Old Royal Adelaide Hospital Ideas Competition, SA, 2013

Troppo submitted an entry the Old Royal Adelaide Hospital Ideas Competition in 2013.

It wasn’t much loved by the judges – but we think has much to say about:

-          Karrawirraparri – interfacing with our river’s floodplain

-          North Terrace – opening up and reclaiming the Parklands to reconnect with North Terrace (that great verandah on our State) – and Ayers House (again)

-          Botanic Gardens – allowing for their expansion

-          Frome Street – which we propose to pedestrianse to link with the learning precinct that are our Universities

-          Maybe we build over upper (City) Frome Street (which was never in the Colonel’s plan), rather the ‘develop’ the Parklands!

-          A new cultural icon – the Message Stick – which can house a National Gallery for Aboriginal Art, and tell stories of our City from an Indigenous and contact history perspectives

-          Whitefella heritage – a couple of sweet listed buildings to keep and house public space, perhaps for an Adelaide Museum

